

中国上海(2022年9月6日)—— 国际领先的品牌战略管理咨询公司Interbrand英图博略正式发布《2022中国最佳品牌排行榜》。2022年整体榜单上榜品牌总价值达到32950.2亿元,较去年的总价值上升了9.8%。千亿级品牌6个,其中腾讯、阿里巴巴和中国建设银行分别以8610.84亿元、6822.79亿元和1891.91 亿元蝉联榜单前三甲。




中国工商银行(1663.82 亿元)、中国平安(1628.12 亿元)、中国银行(1189.87亿元) 抢占第四至六位。中国移动(992.38 亿元)、中国人寿(915.84亿元)、中国农业银行(914.05亿元)和茅台(823.80亿元)分别位列第七至第十位。







About Interbrand

Interbrand has been a world leading brand consultancy, for over 45 years – having pioneered iconic work and forged many of the brand building tools that are commonplace across the industry today.

At Interbrand, we know that in an age of unprecedented abundance of choice and speed of innovation, customers’ expectations are moving faster than business. While incremental change is still essential, it is no longer sufficient. It takes bold moves to leap ahead of customers and competitors. We call these moves Iconic Moves.

In collaboration with the world’s leading brands, our global team of thinkers and makers are pioneering the future of brand building. By turning customers into active participants, we help our clients strengthen their brands on an ongoing basis – our approach gives them confidence to make Iconic Moves that spark desire and create utility, driving extraordinary results.

Interbrand is a part of Omnicom’s Brand Consulting Group, which sits within the Communications Consulting Network.

Group is made up of Interbrand, the world-leading brand consultancy, and C Space, the global customer agency.

Interbrand has been the world-leading brand consultancy, for over 45 years – having pioneered iconic work and forged many of the brand-building tools that are commonplace across the industry today.

We know that in an age of unprecedented choice and speed of innovation, customer expectations are moving faster than business. While incremental change is still essential, it is no longer sufficient. It takes bold moves to leap ahead of customers and competitors. We call these moves Iconic Moves.

In collaboration with the world’s leading brands, our global team of thinkers and makers are pioneering the future of brand building. By turning customers into active participants, we help our clients strengthen their brands on an ongoing basis – our approach gives them the confidence to make Iconic Moves that spark desire and create utility, driving extraordinary results.

Interbrand is a part of the Omnicom Group (NYSE:OMC). For more information, please visit www.interbrand.com.